The Liberian Registry, the world’s largest ship registry, was on the ground at this year’s GasTech, awarding three Approval in Principle’s (AiPs), and one General Approval during the week’s events. During the exhibition, The Liberian Registry and Lloyd’s Register each granted an AiP to HD Hyundai Mipo (HMD) for their new ship design of 23,000cbm Ammonia Bunkering Ship.
Thomas Klenum, Executive Vice President, Liberian Registry, said: “We are delighted to have participated and contributed to this JDP in collaboration with HMD and LR. Our maritime industry’s pursuit to decarbonize and reach net-zero GHG emissions by or around 2050, conveys an imminent need to adopt zero or near-zero GHG emissions fuels such as ammonia. Therefore, the Liberian Registry is proud to award an AIP to HMD for their new ship design of 23,000 cbm Ammonia Bunkering Ship.”
In addition, Hanwha Ocean Co., Ltd. (Hanwha Ocean), one of the largest shipbuilders in the world, has been awarded an Approval in Principle (AiP) for their Rotor Sail system for an LNG Carrier design by the Liberian Registry in collaboration with Bureau Veritas (BV). This Joint Development Project aims to review the challenging ship regulations and find alternatives under the condition that Hanwha Ocean rotor sails system, a representative wind-assisted propulsion device, are installed on a Hanwha Ocean Standard LNG carrier. The development of alternative design and arrangement has been carried out together with a HAZID study and Statement of Compliance(SoC) issued from Bureau Veritas against applicable statutory requirements and Approval in Principle (AIP), issued by the Liberian Registry.
Thomas Klenum, Executive Vice President, Liberian Registry, said: “Congratulations to Hanwa Ocean for the successful development and approval of their rotor sail system. The Liberian Registry is proud to have contributed to this JDP in collaboration with Hanwa Ocean and BV resulting in issuing our AIP. Energy efficiency technologies such as Hanwa Ocean’s rotor sail system will play a vital role for the decarbonization of international shipping.”
Next, in working with our partners, the Liberian Registry is proud to have contributed by issuing a General Approval supplementing the General Approval for Ship Application (GASA) granted by DNV to Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) for their new LNG carrier design. The new design has been developed to offer enhanced cargo capacity, improved operational efficiency, and reduced maintenance costs.
This key design innovation is a streamlined configuration with three instead of four cargo tanks. This is intended to maximize cargo capacity and reduce the number of pump towers and associated cryogenic equipment, such as liquid and gas domes, valves, and piping. As a result, maintenance costs are expected to be minimized, offering substantial savings over the vessel’s operational life.
Thomas Klenum, Executive Vice President of the Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry (LISCR) said, “This multi-stakeholder project demonstrates that international collaboration can pave the way for approval of innovative design solutions and thereby lead to improved efficiency and cost reduction. Congratulations to HHI for this excellent achievement. The Liberian Registry is proud to have contributed to this successful project.”
DNV has granted an Approval in Principle (AiP) to HD Hyundai Mipo for their innovative fire safety design concept on car carriers intended for the transportation of electric vehicles. This new design has been developed to prepare for amendments to SOLAS Chapter II, Regulation 20, which will come into effect on January 1, 2026, and offers enhanced safety measures for electric vehicles (EVs) in the event of a fire.
Electric vehicles are recognized as a critical technology in reducing emissions responsible for global warming. A common cause of electric vehicle fires is damage to the vehicle’s battery pack, which can pose serious risks to both the crew and the vessel. To ensure the safe loading of EVs onto pure car and truck carriers (PCTCs), SOLAS regulations will be amended in 2026 to address fire safety requirements for vehicle spaces and ro-ro spaces, given the unique fire characteristics of EVs.
The Liberian Registry has reviewed HD Hyundai Mipo’s design and issued the AiP to ensure compliance with the forthcoming SOLAS requirement.
The four mentioned projects are great examples of the Liberian Registry’s Innovation and Energy Transition Team’s work in supporting the maritime industry’s transition towards a net-zero GHG emissions future in line with the 2023 IMO GHG Emissions Reduction Strategy. These successful projects demonstrate the Liberian Registry’s international collaboration with forward looking industry partners that is made possible through LISCR’s global organization with close internal coordination between LISCR Korea led by Managing Director J.S. Kim and the Head of the Innovation and Energy Transition Team, Thomas Klenum.
About Liberian Registry
The Liberian Registry has a long-established track record of combining the highest standards of safety for vessels and crews with the highest levels of responsive and innovative service to owners. Comprised of over 5,500 vessels aggregating 264 million gross tons, representing more than 16 percent of the world’s ocean-going fleet. Moreover, the Liberian Registry has a well-deserved reputation for supporting international legislation designed to maintain and improve the safety and effectiveness of the shipping industry and the protection of the marine environment.
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