Delivering Superior Solutions
The Vessel Certification Services Department is responsible for issuing and validating documents and certificates that ensure the fleet’s compliance with international regulations.
This department assists clients in obtaining the following certificates:
- Bunker Civil Liability Certificate (BCLC)
- Civil Liability Certificate (CLC)
- Wreck Removal Certificate (WRC)
- Continuous Synopsis Records (CSR)
- Minimum Safe Manning Certificate (MSMC)
- Radio Licenses (Temporary Authority and Full-Term)
Minimum Safe Manning Certificate (MSMC)
The MSMC reflects the required minimum levels of manning necessary for the safety of navigation and operation of vessels. The Administration has issued minimum safe manning policies through its Marine Notices, using the guidelines contained in IMO Resolution A.1047(27).
Bunker, Civil Liability and Wreck Removal Certificates (BCLC / CLC / WRC)
Requirements for BCLC/CLC/WRC certificates include:
- Evidence of insurance or other financial security issued by a P&I club approved by the Administration
- Blue cards must be issued in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 or Article VII of International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992, respectively.
- For non-Liberian flagged vessels whose Flag has not ratified the conventions, contact Vessel Certification Services. Payment prior to the issuance of the certificate must be provided.
BCLC/CLC/WRC can be applied for via
Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR)
As required by SOLAS XI-1/5.4.3, vessels must have a CSR issued by the flag Administration. The CSR is intended to provide an on-board record of the history of the ship and should remain on board for the duration of the vessel’s active life.
After submitting Forms 2 and 3 to the Administration, make sure the CSR amendment and index are retained on the vessel as required by SOLAS XI-1/5.4.3. The amendment and index forms will serve in place of the new CSR which is to be issued as soon as possible and is to be on the ship no later than three months from the date of the change in accordance with SOLAS XI-1/5.4.2.
Ship Radio Station Licenses
In compliance with Regulation ITU S18, a Ship Radio Station License must be issued to all Liberian flagged vessels equipped with transmitting stations. Upon initial registration into the Liberian Registry, all vessels are issued a temporary, 90-day license. All vessels are required to apply for a certified radio license prior to the temporary license’s expiration.
Radio licenses and amendments to existing licenses can be applied for via
Inmarsat Activations
The Liberian Registry handles all Inmarsat service functions including activation, deactivation of Inmarsat mobile terminals, and the issuance of Inmarsat mobile numbers. For Inmarsat help during HQ hours (7AM-4PM EST/EDST), please contact
Inmarsatactivations. For help outside of HQ hours, contact the after-hours number at +1 703-217-0726.
Please note that an additional fee will apply to all unscheduled or pre-scheduled after-hours services.
Iridium Services
- Iridium Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) terminals must be activated, and when appropriate, deactivated, by one of the Iridium GMDSS service providers recognized by the Administration.
- Vessels installing Iridium terminals onboard need to submit an amendment to their current radio license. All Iridium terminals installed onboard must be listed on the vessel's Radio License.