Your Safety is Our Top Priority

Marine Investigations Department

SOLAS Chapter 1, Regulation 21 requires Administrations to investigate certain casualties and to notify the IMO of the results. The Liberian Registry will investigate casualties occurring on Liberian-flagged vessels when an investigation may assist in determining what changes may be desirable to the present regulations.

Reports of Marine Casualties

The owner or Master of a Liberian Registry vessel involved in a marine casualty shall immediately advise the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner by the fastest means possible, including telephone or other means of electronic communication, and shall promptly thereafter forward a report thereon, signed by the Master or highest available officer or ship’s representative, to the Commissioner or a Deputy Commissioner of Liberia Maritime Authority whenever the casualty results in any of the following:
  • Actual physical damage to property in excess of $100,000.00
  • Material damage affecting the seaworthiness or efficiency of a vessel
  • Stranding or grounding
  • Loss of life
  • Injury causing any persons to remain incapacitated for a period in excess of 72 hours
  • Correction of unsafe condition of occupational Accidents On-board as provided in Liberian Maritime Regulation 10.296(9)

Reports of marine casualty, accident, personal injury, or loss of life may be made on the following forms

Form of Initial Reports

The report shall include the following information:
  • Name and official number of the vessel
  • Type of vessel
  • Name and address of the owner
  • Date and time of the casualty
  • Exact locality of the casualty, the nature of the casualty and the circumstances under which it took place
  • If the casualty involves collision with another vessel, the name of such other vessel shall be provided
  • Where the casualty involves personal injury or loss of life, the names of all persons injured or whose lives are lost shall be provided
  • Where damage to property is involved, the nature of the property damaged and the then estimate of the extent of the damage shall be supplied


SOLAS Chapter 1, Regulation 21 requires Administrations to investigate certain casualties and to notify the IMO of the results to prevent reoccurrence. The Liberian Registry will investigate casualties occurring on Liberian-flagged vessels when an investigation may assist in determining what changes may be desirable to the present regulations.

For additional information, please contact Investigations

Bribery and Corruption reporting

To raise awareness and help in the fight against maritime bribery and corruption, the Liberian Administration encourages an efficient and anonymous means for Liberian vessel owners, operators, and Masters to submit information regarding cases of illegal demands, facilitation payment requests, and/or other corrupt practices during port calls.

The Liberian Administration is a member of the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) and supports the use of their anonymous reporting system that can be found at this link Bribery and Corruption Reporting

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